Portable brass plein-air palette project!
Craig Elliott
I thought I'd share some photos of a palette I just finished designing/ building over the weekend. I wanted to build something that would take up the absolute minimum amount of space, yet be able to hold all of the things I need to do a little painting in any medium.
I wanted all this because I am going to France, and really wanted something light that I could carry with me in a backpack or small bag. The palette is made of brass sheet and square tubing to make it incredibly strong and light. All of the parts are soldered together with a small torch and silver solder. I lightly sanded all the parts, but still need to clean up some solder and need to buff everything to a shine.
Palette open for use with large Moleskine
Palette open with small Moleskine
Palette closed
Palette open with removable tray
slide-out lid-prop mechanism
Slide-out table top stabilizer