"Art of Craig Elliott" book update
Craig Elliott
Art of Craig Elliott "Red" cover, only available through Craig Elliott and Flesk Publications
The Art of Craig Elliott is getting closer to full release at the stores!
The books have arrived here at Craig Elliott Gallery, and will arrive with Diamond Comic Distributors by January 10. All of the pre-orders will start shipping immediately. I estimate we will have them all out the door by the end of the first week of January. The books should appear in the book trade and comic stores in mid-January.
Special Bonus for ordering from Craig Elliott Gallery
We have been working on ways the book can be extra special! Besides the three covers to choose from, you will receive an exclusive bookplate when ordering direct from Craig Elliott Gallery. This 4 x 6 inch plate will have a design printed on the front with a space left for his signature. Then the backside will have a head sketch in pencil. Sorry, but no requests. You will receive this special bonus gift at no extra charge while supplies last. This is a way of saying thank you for buying direct from Craig Elliott Gallery.
Bookplate sketch by Craig Elliott
Front of signed bookplate
The Art of Craig Elliott topless cover.
Ultra Deluxe Slipcase Edition
Craig and the publisher have also been discussing an exclusive 100 copy ultra-deluxe edition. These will come with a slipcase. Just wait until you see what we’ve come up with! The slipcase will be non-standard and very unique. And even more exciting is that the book will come with an 8.5 x 11 inch tip-in of a giclee print of a pencil drawing on archival 100% cotton watercolor paper that has been hand painted in watercolors by Craig. No two will be alike. These 100 copies will have a personal touch that will be beautiful in every regard. The pricing will be announced in the next few weeks. Be sure to email Craig Elliott or Flesk Publications at info@fleskpublications.com if you would like to be placed on the waiting list.
A sample of one of the sketches, colored with watercolors.
The Art of Craig Elliott bra cover.