Frazetta curiosity
Craig Elliott
About 10years ago I found a painting that had a figure in it from one of Frank Frazetta's first paintings "Conan the Destoyer" I recently asked James Gurney if he knew the name of the artist because the old book I got the image from never had a credit for the artist (tisk, tisk). Lo and behold the Genius of James Gurney came through! He found the artist, and a bit more info on the painting. Jim has posted a bit on it on his blog if you are interested. The artist is French orientalist Jean-Jules-Antoine Lecomte du Nouÿ. The name of the painting in English is "The Slaying of the Unpropitous Messengers" or in French "Les Porteurs de Mauvaises Nouvelles"
Below is the comparison I found to the Frazetta figure:
Here is the original painting: